> jaymes siite *

Cass Liiedke *

Ashley Hodgson *
ii love : ) . . .
Cass Liiedke *
About Me *
Tylor Guiindon ;o)
Kelsey Dugas *
Jen Benford *
Meliissa Theriiault *
Shout Outs *
My Class *
Jen Gdela ;o) *
Piictures *
Piictures 2 *
Piictures 3 *
Ray Floyd =D *
Amanda Kubik *
My 3 Bests :o) *

The One & Only .. Cassandra Liiedke *

Cassandra & Julia ..

Cassandra Liedke .. we have been threw so much together and you have always stuck by my side.  Even if you were pissed off at me you were still always the one who was there to help me.  I wouldn't be half the person I am today if it wasn't for you.  Thank you so much for everything and always being there your honestly my sister .. thanks Cass bffae !!


Wow !! We have had amazing times Cass.  Member the summer you lived with me the whole summer you didn't even go home until like 2 days before school started !! And all the times at camp, that one night when we got so hammered when i passed out I broke the chair !! lmfao .. Then theres David and he had a girlfriend and he liked me and how old was he .. 17 !! He seriously thought I was going to go out with him and that we would take it one year at a time and when I was 18 then it would be perfect !! Yeah definetly not there bud .. haha.  Then there was the time at the mall when you brought dunk-a-roos and a cheese string with you !! lmao theres so many mems Cass I could seriously make 15 websites just about me and you .. thanks for everything and all the awesome times we've had , love you tons hun bffae !!