Cassandra Liedke -
your my sister , haha .. the summer was wild. You lived with me , lmao. It was wild.. the mems are stacked - bffaeae :: love
you tons & tons ;o)
Kelsey Dugas -
Your my bestfriend , we fight all the time .. and it sucks.. I miss you Kelso .. but you will always be my bestfriend no matter
what , thanks for always being there.. I'm always here for you .. the mems are stacked , your the grestest there
is -- best friends for ever and always hun * love you tons ..
Alyssa Muccin -
we have some pretty insane times ! haha that one time after school where we stood at the end of my driveway for like 20 minutes
talking about laughs! hahaha .."what if i laughed like this HAAAAA!".. "or.. what if i laughed like this! .. *chokes* *cough
cough* .. wait no that wasnt suppost to happen" ..mean while your choking to death and im dying of laughter! lmao..can you
say LOSERS! ..omg and when we were walking home from school a diffrent time and we had our boxes of chocolate bars and
mine broke and then yours broke haha.. and out of no where you were like .."heyyyyy sonny!.. wanna buy some chocolate?" HAHAHAH!
.. haha and then when i slept at your house and we watched Grind like 50 times..Jimmy was Narly pshhhhhhhhhh .. eeeeeeeee
.. that was Jimmy ! "Greetings from the Interior" .. haha Matt is my fucking hero! I love him! haha that whole little skateboarding
clan is a scorch! :) .. Did you grab my ass? No sir it is physically impossible from where I am standing ! I know your tricks
dewy .. lmao! .. haha member when I was sleeping over and you like flew away into the dark! that was scary! I love you Lissie..
BF4L! "Greetings From The Interior"
Alexandra Liedke - Your
great hun ! haha every time me you and cass were together we'd bail on cass and go hang-out some where else :) .. haha we've
had some insane times :) .. I have so much fun when I'm with you ! Love you Alexandra *.. bffae *
Melissa Theriault - Melissa
is one of the RADEST girls I know .. haha .. I'm so gald were friends again .. nothing would be the same without you hun ,
bffaeae *
April Denys - I friggen
love you ! omg .. we don't see eachother much .. but I consider you one of my closet friends :) .. and I hope we never get
in a fight .. cause I would be sad :( .. member when we were at Alyssa's and we were taking pictures .. in every single one
we could never figure out what I was doing .. and that one pic of me and you where your all DRUNK and I won an AWARD ! haha
I love you April! bffaeae - *
Jessie Kennedy -
you are definatly one of the funniet girls I know ! haha STAND CLEAR ! .. haha that was soo hilarious ! .. haha all the stories
you tell me about you getting mad or telling off jamie always make me laugh ! haha your great hun *ffae*
Jenny Angelic -
haha your soo proper .. you gave me and cass a lecture on drinking cause were not old enough .. your soo funny ! haha your
always looking out for me and cass ! thanks hun ! *
Amanda Aube - aww I love
you .. your so pretty hun , thanks for being there when I needed it the most .. I`m always here if you need anything .. love
you :: bffae *
Brooke Dunn - Member when
you came to my house that one night and my mom said you were gorgeous like 500 times .. haha , your beautiful .. wild times
hun .. decorating Kelseys house for her birthday haha .. love you hun - bffae*
Meghan Waples - your so
pretty hun , we need to hang out soon - i miss you ; bffaeae hun > love you . *
Kristie Walz -
your so pretty kristie , your the greatest .. we need to hang out more hun » bffae - - love you tons . *
Julia Virta - yout awesome
Julia , the mems are stacked .. thanks -- bffaeae :: love you . *
Alexa Latour - Walking
threw your backyard in that huge puddle you had .. haha I put bags on my feet .. lmao , wild times hun :: bffaeae
* love you tons beby :)
Jenn Benford - we're
closer then sisters man , haha the mems are friggen stacked .. theres so many i love when we talk with lisps .. haha ever
since that one say at the mall we've been together almost every single day , we spent every day of the march break together
.. it was the greatest , i love you Jen -- sisters for ever & ever .. i love you tons sissie (haha insider)
Lindsay Lamothe - You
are soo nice .. and your gorgeous ! I hope we can become better friends, we should do something sometime :) .. bffaeae >
love you tons . . . *
Alaina Bishop - Well
we see eachother alot, and we talk over the computer , but your still awsome .. we have to do something sometime .. bffae
, p.s. your beautiful :) !
Dayna Drouin - I love you
Dayna , your the greatest .. thanks for always being there , I'm always here for you too .. bffaeae hun ~ love you tons *
Nadia Mitchells - your
the best nads , thanks fer everything - love you tons . *
Liz Miron - i never see
you anymore .. lol , we need to get together soon . *
Jessica Anelli - wild time
at the mall that day .. CLAM , Granny Panties. haha HI SECURITY GUARD .. you just had to whistle .. haha bffaeae . i love
you tons hun!
Jenn Gdela - you are the
best girlfriend EVER I never wanna lose you.. haha j.k! I hope we get to hang out tons more your so much fun to be around
.. member Do you know who I am??? Uhh yeah..! Can you tell me why I`m a slut... hah then theres me Well look at you! haha
Well I dont know I what I`ve done with guys so you can just stop now! haha fine then PREP! haha! .. CLAM haha.. i had no idea
what you were laughing at .. haha. then there was the granny patnies lmao .. that was a wild night hun .. Wild times
thanks for always being there for me hun ; i`m always here for you WHENEVER you need me! oxox ; bffaeaeae .. love you girlfriend
;o) * haha. p.s your GORGEOUS!
Jessica Kisby - your hilarious...
I love you thanks for sticking up for me when you know who called me a slut and got pissed at me going out with Ray.. he can
shove it up his ass! haha! We have to hang out more! Love you beby ; oxo ; bffaeae! oh yeah your beautiful hun.. don`t listen
to anyone who says your not!
Carmela Bruno - thanks
for being there for me.... we need to hang out soon ; bffae ... love you ;o) *
Amanda Mullin - omg
I love you =D .. your sooo nice.! Thanks for always being there for me , can`t wait to hang out beby :) I love you , best-friends-forever
hun :) oh yeah , your are friggen beautiful , dont let anyone tell you anything different.!
Amanda Kubik - aww
I`m so glad I met you , your the greatest friend ever! thanks for always being there for me we have to get together more often
=D .. and don`t forget our promise hun , i love you - best friends FOREVER.! p:s. your absolutley gorgeous.!
Ashley Caputo - well
we kind of know eachother , we need to hang out very soon , and your soo pretty .. never forget it hun =) .. bests for life
: love you !
Kristen Piazza - Aww
your so gorgeous =D .. don`t let anyone tell you anything else... cause your perfect! I hope we hang out soon cause your a
wild person and super nice =D thanks for everything , I`m always here for you WHENEVER you need it =D , best friends for life!
Amanda Beattie - we
used to hang out every day when we were younger , we were so tight! haha.. thanks for all the great times and for always being
there for me =D ... best friends forever.!
Brett Thompson -
you are by far one of the funniest guys I know .. haha ! we don't have any mems .. but we have a few .. lol .. ffae
Jessy - we
get in fights alot , and we both said harsh things .. and you did say alot of shit to me.. oh well , we worked it out so
we're still friends i guess : ) *
Gabriel Hunt - your a goof
.. we used to be friends .. but not anymore .. haha your a fag man.
Ray Floyd - Your
the best EVER Ray , i love you tons .. me and you have to have the most sexual conversations ever .. lmao. There amazing though.
haha , i can't wait till your birtday , haha. There are so many mems hun , like LOADS , and there are still more to come :o)
I'm so glad I met you Gaymond .. I would be lost without you beb .. thanks for always being there , I'm always here for you
whenever you need it .. even if you don't wanna talk about , just know that I'm here for you forever hun - bffaeae
.. i love you millions :o) *
Johnny Mignacca -
you are friggen hilarious .. anal is definetly OUR word!! haha. Bf4l *
Mike Doan -
your wild man , your so funny. haha.
Alex Stephens - the
summer was awesome , we used to be together everyday .. we're not the grestest of friends anymore , but still *
Dave Morano -
Your cool .. haha member at your house at like 11:00 at night .. and I just like go in grab a pop and start watching t.v with
alexandra .. or when you and cassandra were friggen making out on your stairs and i go up and knock on the door and say "times-a-ticken"
haha .. fun times :) .. BF4L!
Tristan Lund -
haha amazing time at camp .. walking on the road at like midnight ! stealing beer :D .. taking our drunk buddies picture haah!
tht's a awsome pic ! *DB4L* can't wait till' camp this year :o)
Alex Brandow - hmm , your
cool .. we don't talk much .. but the summer was awesome :o) . . *
Jared Nylander - Can I
undo your cock-lock? lmao! ALYSSA WASN'T ALOUD TO TAKE THE BUS .. next time I'll leave her with Jason and take the bus with
you .. deal? .. haha Thanks for always being there me I'm always here for you ; bffae :: love you *
Mike Maniacco - your awesome
Dustin McDonald - your
a friggen pyro man ! haha , we need to hang out more , member at Tylors when you were making that sound , lmao or when you
were lying under the bed and I was standing beside it and you were friggen pulling on my pant leg and my pants were coming
down , lmao .. your the grestest - bffae * love you tons beb ..
Tylor Guindon - your
my brother hun , your my very best friend .. I have no idea where I would be without you , honestly. Your the grestest there
is Tylor .. and your the best , the mems are friggen wild man .. i love you tons - best friends for life beb ;o) *
Henry Horsford - you are
awesome lol, we had a very serious talk that night and I am very disappointed in you , but I can't really say anything cause
I do it too! But if you must do it, then just don't get in trouble haha! .. That was fun when you came over with liz and kelsey
.. you were so into that movie Scooby-Doo .. and we were all one ONE coach .. me and kelsey were like beside eachother then
liz was like in my legs LMAO! then theres you at the end sitting all normal with all our feet on you! haha! xo* bffaeae! your
Dillan Rivet - Thanks for
absolutley everything dill , your the best .. the mems are stacked , and there are tons more to come !! thanks for EVERYTHING
, love you tons - bffaeaeae :o) *
Jordan St. Louis - your
wild hun , haha bffae :o) *
Erin Sweeney - Oh my god
, i friggen love you .. your hilarious .. we need to hang out more beb , your the best - love you tons * bffae *
Trevor Bradley - your so
weird hun , i love it .. haha your amazing - love you tons » bffaeae *
Alix Burnz - your soo nice
beb , I'm glad I met you .. thanks for always being there we need to hang out way more beb !! love you tons - bffae *
Aishia Pickering - your
soo nice beby , we definetly need to start hanging out , and your gorgeous hun .. I`m gunna be here for you forever hun ..
just talking over the computer the mems are stacked , I'm on the top of the world of cool and your an inch lower swimming
with the turtles right? , lmao .. We're gunna rape those sexy elves eh? haha wild times hun - love you tons
- bffaeae ;o) don't forget to turn on the light when you go pee ;) haha
Corina Bruni - there is
no one out there that is a nice as you , lol .. i love you ! your sooooo pretty !! we definetly need to hang out more .. bffaeaeae
, love you tons ;o) // *
Ashley Hodgson - Aww I
love you so much , your the best.. and your so pretty. I'm always here for you anytime hun , thanks for it all .. I'm so excited
for the summer beb .. its gunna be friggen crazy !! I'm always here for you Ash, your the best ever .. thanks for everything
!! i love you tons beb - bffaeae *
Tom Peer - your cute hun
, lol .. we should hang out sometime : ) *
Chris Downey - your so
nice hun , thanks for everything .. your really awesome :o) bffae :: love you . *
Joey Sauve - Oh my god , your
so werid man. That night when you came over .. I couldn't even cry without you saying something stupid and making me laugh.
Your a tuna , but you always make me laugh when I'm sad hun.. thanks :o) your the best :: bffae \\ love you tons . .