> jaymes siite *

Jen Benford *

Ashley Hodgson *
ii love : ) . . .
Cass Liiedke *
About Me *
Tylor Guiindon ;o)
Kelsey Dugas *
Jen Benford *
Meliissa Theriiault *
Shout Outs *
My Class *
Jen Gdela ;o) *
Piictures *
Piictures 2 *
Piictures 3 *
Ray Floyd =D *
Amanda Kubik *
My 3 Bests :o) *

.. My Siister *


Jen , We`ve been threw iit all .. the good & the bad , and ii'm always goiing to be here for you , just liike you are for me. We've seen eachother cry at least 500 tiimes and we've always been there to help eachother out , iit's never goiing to change no matter how bad you want me to leave you alone ... ii'm always goiing to be there , and ii hope you wiill be for me - Best Friiends Forever hun , ii love you tons siister =) *


I don't know where to start Jen there so many memories to list.  Remember the night at your house and we were on the computer and we were really hyper and we were going pretty much crazy and I was running around your computer room and then I ran up to the computer room door and start yelling ''HELP ME, LET ME OUT OF HERE" and your sister and her friend were sitting in the living room, lmao.  Then we were just sitting there and I was like "The girl that makes animal noises annoys me" (you know who I mean) and then I did an impression and I was like, "OINK OINK, WEEE MOOO" .. lmao that was random.  Then the time we went to the mall all day, and I really wanted to go home but you had a feeling we were going to see Andy, then who do we see .. Andy!! Ahh I was going to go crazy it was like 10:00 and we were at the mall since like 3:00, I wanted to go home so bad .. but it was fun.  Then we see Shawn and he comes and sits with us , and he was telling us all these jokes and then something came up about a meat wand , and then Andys friend was like , how about you eat my meat wand and Shawn was like , alright fry it up .. and I was like Okay No , don't even try. haha. Then we go home !! Then there are all the dances we go to , those are wild .. haha , your so quite Jen .. we're like 2 different people .. haha.  Then there was the March Break .. we were together every single day .. we'd sleep at my house , then yours , then mine .. haha then that night with Jen, Tylor, and Ray .. that was so fun .. haha , in the back of a transport , lmao we're up for everything haha .. then your always at my house when me and my mom get in those huge fights and then she kicked me out .. lmao.  I had no where to go .. your parents didn't want me to you to your house cause they wanted me to stay with my mom , but she fucking kicked me out .. but then I ended up going to your house and we go on that really really long walk and walk all the way to Tylors house cause he said when we're sad to go and see him so we don't do anything stupid .. lol.  Then we go to Wendy's and get Chilli , a Hamburger , and Fries .. lmao we're cool !! haha , then the next night we went to Tylors house with Jen Gdela , and you and Jen stayed at Tylors house with Brad while I went with Tylor to get Ray .. haha.  Then when we get back we go downstairs and we were all laying on that one bed , that was messed up man , haha. Then Dustin comes lmao , that kid is so wild haha .. and the noise he was making then Ray was making it too !! lmao.  Then when we got in trouble when we went back to Jens .. lol.  That was a fun night.  Then member when we we're getting ready to go to Jens house and I'm like , your like flat Jen !! lmao , then your like shut up , don't make fun of my boobs , and I was like uhh you don't have any .. lmao.  Theres so many other mems , but honestly I am so fucking lazy man .. I'll slowly add them on , alrighty? okay sounds good to me :o) haha ..

Your always here
When I need you the most
Always there with a funny joke
You make me laugh
When I wanna Cry

You keep my secrets
And share yours too
I can trust you with my life
And so can you

I would never hurt you
Or stab you in the back
Best Friends forever
Means to much

Growing Old
We’ll have a blast
Make our friendship last
and last
Dance at clubs
Pick up guys
Stick together
Through all the lies

We made a pact
Will make it last
These words are true
You are like my sister
And I love you!!!

My Brother ..
lmfao wild times !!

lmfao , who does this remind you of?
