> jaymes siite *

My Class *

Ashley Hodgson *
ii love : ) . . .
Cass Liiedke *
About Me *
Tylor Guiindon ;o)
Kelsey Dugas *
Jen Benford *
Meliissa Theriiault *
Shout Outs *
My Class *
Jen Gdela ;o) *
Piictures *
Piictures 2 *
Piictures 3 *
Ray Floyd =D *
Amanda Kubik *
My 3 Bests :o) *

St. Mark Gustangs

"Can You Bring Me My Chapstick?"

Oh my god , where do ii start? We`ve been threw iit all together .. good days , bad days , laughs , tears , mushroom cuts .. we can never forget those! haha .. The mems are stacked iits amaziing .. thiis year iis defiinetly one to remember. All of our jokes there all liike based on Napoleon Dynamiite haha , everytiime we make up a new one iit gets even funniier .. liike iin frecnh when everyone was doiing there presentatiions and madame would make us ask questiions , they would be the stupiidest questiions we`d ask like "While your talking on the internet , do you like to eat quesadilla?" lmao .. Madame would get so piissed at us .. almost everyone got liike kiicked out that day , haha. Then when we we`re gettiing in trouble when we were beiing really loud whiile we were liiniing up and Cody asked Miiss. Liinklator for chapstiick , lmao. Then when we diid those hiistory project thiings and Brett , Miike D , Miike M , Meliissa , and Alexa were presentiing there sliideshow and when they were talkiing about what they hunted they were liike "As far as we know they do not hunt Gustangs" haha .. or when Mrs. Felton took our Gustang to put at the front of the school for the new kids that wiill be goiing to our school next year and Mike D was liike "BUT IT DOESN`T HAVE ITS SOCKS ON" .. lmao that was sooo funny. Anyways , these past years wiith you guys have been amaziing .. I`m never ever ever goiing to forget any of you! I`m defiinetly goiing to bawl at graduatiion .. hiighschool is gunna be wiild , ii love you all .. thanks for the amaziing years , and for everythiing ... I could not be happiier then to be iin your class .. just seeiing you guys each morniing makes my day that much better , your all amazing "Once a GUSTANG , always a GUSTANG"


* Graduates of 2004 - 2005 *

.. Amanda Emms , Cody Funk , Mark Richard , Jayme Lorenzo , Brianne Elgie , Cindy Noel , Julia Virta , John Mignacca , Meghan Towell , Mark Dubois , Isaiah Virta , Reanne Agawa , Mike Doan , Alex Proulx , Mike Maniacco , Brett Thompson . Alexa Latour , Jimmy Huckson , Jordon St. Louis , Jessie Kennedy , Cassandra Liedke , Nick Kanula , Jenn Byers , Jordan Ambeault , Alyssa Muccin , Steven Bibeau , Melissa Theriault .. Teacher :: Mrs. Brown ..

In 8th grade
There were friends
Best friends
And invisible "Bob's" too
There were hurtful words said
And a lot of "I love yous"
In 8th grade
There were good teachers
Bad teachers
Cool teachers
And scary teachers too
There were good grades
Bad grades
And assigned papers...
In 8th grade
There were tests
There were crushes
There were fights

And there were blushes
In 8th grade
I had the funnest time
No one can compare
To an 8th grade life of mine
But the 8th grade is over
And the excitement is all done
None of us want to go to High School
Because we won't have as much fun
But for now it's good-bye
And I hope to see EVERYONE soon
I hope to have fun next year
And I hope its with you all






So .. whose eatiing a quesadilla?

St What? ... ST. MARK!